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Monday, January 28, 2008

Three Steps to Every Pose

Welcome new and previous students! This week we're talking about the importance of all parts of a posture or asana:

1. Getting into the pose.
2. Being in the pose.
3. Coming out of the pose.

Some Yogis, such as the Mohan's, suggest considering two additional steps: Before and after a pose.

We'll use the idea of three steps especially with twists. Preparing before the asana by the following:

1. Lengthening the spine.
2. Yielding to gravity below the waistline and floating above it.
3. Align your center or midline.

While moving into the twist and staying in it, you maintain the above three elements and add two more:

4. Moving with the direction of the breath.
5. Moving the organs or inside then then muscles or outside.

All elements are used while releasing the twist as well.

For pranayama, which is frequently used throughout an entire practice, we'll use Ujjayi and experienced Yogis will add to that 3-part breathing and/or 1:1:1:1 ratio. Do at least 12 rounds.

A meditation from Thich Nhat Hahn will be used this week, as well. Using the affirmations:

I am aware only of my in-breath.
I am aware only of my out-breath.

I am aware that my in-breath grows deep.
I am aware that my out-breath grows deep.

I am aware that my in-breath grows slow.
I am aware that my out-breath grows slow.


Kris Kramer

Today is the first day of the rest of your life!

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