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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

How do you define yourself?

You are not your job, body, aches, illnesses.
You are not your thoughts, words, actions.
You are not your beliefs, emotions, feelings.

You are the stillness in the center of your being.
You are the expanse that connects you beyond the physical.
You are inner peace, love, and compassion.

Yoga gives you this experience. So that you know in your heart that you are more than most of us ever imagined. It is no longer a philosophy or theory. It's a Truth that you can find inner peace in.

For many of us this may be felt as simple relaxation, which is great, and for some a shift in how we see the world takes place. Like all things, one response is not better than the other--just different.

We'll use tennis ball massage and a sensation meditation this week to encourage each of us to find more meaning in "who you really are."


Kris Kramer

Today is the first day of the rest of your life!

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