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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Out with the old - In with the new

Do you ever find at this time of year that it's difficult to find space for all the new presents that came during December? If you have young children, you might know just what I mean.

In order to make space for the new, we have to let go of the old. If you want a new TV, you'll have to give away the old one. Only so many boxes or trinkets will fit or will have a chance to be enjoyed. The old ones, move on to new homes. There is always a flow. A coming in and going out.

Our minds are the same way. To allow new ideas or attitudes into our lives, we first release or let go of old labels and thought patterns.

What thought patterns do you hold onto? Are the helping or hindering your life?

In class, we'll work with twists which literally squeezes out old blood and some toxins. Returning from the twist fresh new blood and oxygen has the room to fill our organs and tissues. Also, we'll use the breath and mind to loosen any holdings to old ideas that are no longer life enhancing. Within this space we'll focus on worthiness, love, and approval.

Have a great week!

Kris Kramer

Today is the first day of the rest of your life!

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