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Thursday, February 21, 2008

What is Yoga?

Most Yoga today is based on Pantanjali's Yoga Sutras. These sutras pretty much define Yoga and the eight limbs:

1. Actions (yamas)
2. Attitudes (niyamas)
3. Postures (asanas)
4. Breathing (pranayama)
5. Bring attention inward (pratyahara)
6. Focus (dharana)
7. Meditation (dyana)
8. Bliss or enlightenment (samadhi)

In our hatha yoga classes we focus mainly on the first five or six limbs.

The sutras define postures like this: "Asana must have the duel qualities of alertness (sithira) and relaxation (sukha)."

This week we explore staying alert during postures and breathing. Draw awareness to the body and the breath. Also, we practice relaxing without collapsing. This applies to the body and breath.

For example, as you sit reading this, take a moment to get very comfortable -- feet on the ground and back supported. Now picture yourself as a tall pillar candle. Release your muscles and skin like melting wax. The flame still flickers strongly on the inside; bring this vibrancy into your breath and feel the energy of life fill you. At the same time the muscles surrender. Do this for at least 6 breaths.

Best of luck and see you next week!

Kris Kramer

Today is the first day of the rest of your life!

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