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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A New Twist on Twists

This week, we're working with twists. Beginners using Marichyasana III and All Levels going for Ardha Matsyendrasana. However instead of taking the front arm on the outside of the upward pointing knee, we'll simply hold onto the knee the the hand. This is for a number of reasons.

Compassion, kind, and considerate treatment of others is very valuable. In the last couple of weeks, Mike Malloch at Jack Safro Toyota in Brookfield went the extra mile and gave me (for free) a loaner car while mine was in the shop. He didn't have to do this. He was just being considerate. This got me thinking about how the whole practice of Yoga is not just the asana, or even the breathing for that matter. It's how we treat ourselves and others.

Twists are easy to overdo. They feel so wonderful as they lure you into going deeper and deeper. However, it's easy to overstretch the numerous ligaments running along the spine and to compress the discs. This is why warming up and slowly building up to a deeper twist is so important.

Using your hand on the knee, instead of hooking the elbow over it, allows more mobility in the shoulders and makes it less tempting to force yourself into a depth that your body is not ready for.

Move with compassion on the mat, and you'll find more compassion in your life.


Kris Kramer

Today is the first day of the rest of your life!

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