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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Chakra - A wheel of enegy along the spine

Welcome to the newbies this week (new classes at First Unitarian started up)!

This week our class focus is on the shoulder and neck area. Depending on how experienced your class is will depend on how deeply we delve into these areas.

The shoulders relate to the 4th Chakra. This impacts allergies, heart issues, upper back, breast cancer, love, hate, anger, grief, commitment issues, forgiveness, & hope.

The neck is part of the 5th Chakra related to TMJ, scoliosis, gum disease, thyroid issues, freedom to choose, addiction, judgement, faith, & personal expression.

As we stretch and strengthen these areas not only do we aid in posture and potentially relieve pain, we also release emotional and energetic blocks in these areas.

If you're just starting Yoga, work with finding a comfortable seat on a blanket and maintain your low back (lumbar) curve. Then go through an parts of the Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) -- especially steps 1-5. Then lay down a bit in Corpse (Savasana). Finally, from a seated position observe (without judgement) your breath. Notice which is easier: inhale or exhale. Focus lovingly on the one that is more challenging, hesitant or forced.

If you're new, but have been practicing for a few weeks, work with warming up (see above or add your own ideas from class) to Camel (Ustrasana). Cool down with Downward Facing Dog and Child's pose. Then take Corpse or Savasana. Finally, from a seated position work with the Ujjayi breathing and a 1:1 ratio.

If you've in an All Levels or Continuing class, you can use the ideas above to warm up and cool down. The focus asana this week is Setu Bandhasana (Bridge) to Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand).


Kris Kramer

Today is the first day of the rest of your life!

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