Welcome to the newbies this week (new classes at First Unitarian started up)!
This week our class focus is on the shoulder and neck area. Depending on how experienced your class is will depend on how deeply we delve into these areas.
The shoulders relate to the 4th Chakra. This impacts allergies, heart issues, upper back, breast cancer, love, hate, anger, grief, commitment issues, forgiveness, & hope.
The neck is part of the 5th Chakra related to TMJ, scoliosis, gum disease, thyroid issues, freedom to choose, addiction, judgement, faith, & personal expression.
As we stretch and strengthen these areas not only do we aid in posture and potentially relieve pain, we also release emotional and energetic blocks in these areas.
If you're just starting Yoga, work with finding a comfortable seat on a blanket and maintain your low back (lumbar) curve. Then go through an parts of the Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) -- especially steps 1-5. Then lay down a bit in Corpse (Savasana). Finally, from a seated position observe (without judgement) your breath. Notice which is easier: inhale or exhale. Focus lovingly on the one that is more challenging, hesitant or forced.
If you're new, but have been practicing for a few weeks, work with warming up (see above or add your own ideas from class) to Camel (Ustrasana). Cool down with Downward Facing Dog and Child's pose. Then take Corpse or Savasana. Finally, from a seated position work with the Ujjayi breathing and a 1:1 ratio.
If you've in an All Levels or Continuing class, you can use the ideas above to warm up and cool down. The focus asana this week is Setu Bandhasana (Bridge) to Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand).
Kris Kramer
Today is the first day of the rest of your life!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
A New Twist on Twists
This week, we're working with twists. Beginners using Marichyasana III and All Levels going for Ardha Matsyendrasana. However instead of taking the front arm on the outside of the upward pointing knee, we'll simply hold onto the knee the the hand. This is for a number of reasons.
Compassion, kind, and considerate treatment of others is very valuable. In the last couple of weeks, Mike Malloch at Jack Safro Toyota in Brookfield went the extra mile and gave me (for free) a loaner car while mine was in the shop. He didn't have to do this. He was just being considerate. This got me thinking about how the whole practice of Yoga is not just the asana, or even the breathing for that matter. It's how we treat ourselves and others.
Twists are easy to overdo. They feel so wonderful as they lure you into going deeper and deeper. However, it's easy to overstretch the numerous ligaments running along the spine and to compress the discs. This is why warming up and slowly building up to a deeper twist is so important.
Using your hand on the knee, instead of hooking the elbow over it, allows more mobility in the shoulders and makes it less tempting to force yourself into a depth that your body is not ready for.
Move with compassion on the mat, and you'll find more compassion in your life.
Kris Kramer
Today is the first day of the rest of your life!
Compassion, kind, and considerate treatment of others is very valuable. In the last couple of weeks, Mike Malloch at Jack Safro Toyota in Brookfield went the extra mile and gave me (for free) a loaner car while mine was in the shop. He didn't have to do this. He was just being considerate. This got me thinking about how the whole practice of Yoga is not just the asana, or even the breathing for that matter. It's how we treat ourselves and others.
Twists are easy to overdo. They feel so wonderful as they lure you into going deeper and deeper. However, it's easy to overstretch the numerous ligaments running along the spine and to compress the discs. This is why warming up and slowly building up to a deeper twist is so important.
Using your hand on the knee, instead of hooking the elbow over it, allows more mobility in the shoulders and makes it less tempting to force yourself into a depth that your body is not ready for.
Move with compassion on the mat, and you'll find more compassion in your life.
Kris Kramer
Today is the first day of the rest of your life!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Stretching - What makes us tight?

For the week of September 10, we're working on increasing flexibility by mainly working with the side body.
The more you move, the more flexible you become. Think about it, when you wake in the morning or stand up after watching a movie, your body may be a feel stiff. A good stretch is just the thing. If you have any pets, notice how they don't just wake up and run around. Even lively Pippin (pictured above) loves a great stretch in order to transition from rest to movement. So, when you get up in the morning don't jump out of bed. Take a few minutes to stretch and gently prepare your body for the day ahead. Same thing after you've been sitting at the office for a while. Take your time to at least spend a few breaths opening your spine. Who knows maybe you'll start a healthy trend for those around you!
Here are some brief ideas for your home practice (based off what we did in class):
1. Full deep breathing.
2. Gentle warm ups, like table top/cat/cow. Also, from a seated position, bow to the right and then to the left. Add anything that feel natural to slowly get the body moving with the breath.
3. Sun Salutations (Notice, for those of us that are a bit tighter, it is very helpful to first warm up and follow that with Salutations.)
4. Use any poses that help to open the side body, such as Side Angle (feel free to modify with the front forearm on the front leg), Side Mountain, Triangle w/ the top arm reaching in the direction of your front toes.
5. Beginners work with Gate. All level students go for Side Plank.
6. Cool down with supine poses, such as hugging the knees into the chest and knees to one side for a twist.
7. Corpse (Savasana).
8. Breathing with a focus on the exhales
9. Meditate on a positive affirmation, such as "I am growing more courageous, joyful, and peaceful every day."
Kris Kramer
Today is the first day of the rest of your life!
Kris Kramer
Today is the first day of the rest of your life!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Flowing in Sun Salutation - Grounding Meditation
This week 2 new classes have begun: An All Levels and a Beginning class.
Beginners will work on Sun Salutations. Click here for a review and to help you learn the flow.
All Level students, see if you can fit in Sun Salutations at least 3 days before next week. Also, work on the threading the needle variation that we did (see photo) to open the hips. Be sure to watch your ankle and extend out through the ball mound of the big toe.

Finally, anytime you feel scattered or spacey, take at least 5 minutes to sit and focus at the base of the spine. After a while, visualize a dark blue upside down triangle at the bottom of your torso. See flashes of lightning coming from the triangle and reaching the depths of the earth's core. Take a few full breaths before opening your eyes and moving on with your day.
Best of luck and see you all next week,
Kris Kramer
Today is the first day of the rest of your life!
Beginners will work on Sun Salutations. Click here for a review and to help you learn the flow.
All Level students, see if you can fit in Sun Salutations at least 3 days before next week. Also, work on the threading the needle variation that we did (see photo) to open the hips. Be sure to watch your ankle and extend out through the ball mound of the big toe.

Finally, anytime you feel scattered or spacey, take at least 5 minutes to sit and focus at the base of the spine. After a while, visualize a dark blue upside down triangle at the bottom of your torso. See flashes of lightning coming from the triangle and reaching the depths of the earth's core. Take a few full breaths before opening your eyes and moving on with your day.
Best of luck and see you all next week,
Kris Kramer
Today is the first day of the rest of your life!
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