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Friday, August 10, 2007

August 9, 2007 - Beginning Yoga - Homework - Strength

Throughout the day.
Feel strong.
When looking to enhance an attribute about yourself, such as strength or patience, take affirmations one step further. Instead of just saying "I am strong", feel it. Stop and bring up images in your mind of strength or positive power. See yourself standing up for what you believe in. See yourself voicing your opinion in a steadfast and loving way. Perhaps, visualize other people or things that fill you with a sense of commitment. It's the feeling, not simply the words, that will start to change your life and create more of what you'd like in your life.

Confident breath.
When you could use a confidence boost, take 3 to 5 minutes for the following exercise: Place the tips of the index finger and thumb together. The index finger represents your ego and mind. The thumb is the higher Self and spirit. The higher Self is always confident, it is the mind that sometimes questions our own worth. Breathe into the upper chest, then the lower chest, and finally the upper belly. Breathe out from the belly, then the lower chest, then the upper chest. Even though you are filling and releasing all 3 areas, emphasize the filling the chest. Breath in a 1:1 ratio (even inhales and exhales) and picture yourself growing more confident. Counter any negative thoughts with positive ones. Feel the energy of confidence filling your body. If need be, just pretend at first. Eventually, it will become real.

Hatha practice at least 3 days a week. If you are shy on time, do only the items marked with an *.
* Center
Use 1:1 3-part breathing--described above.
Add the Chin/Jana Mudra by touching the tips of the index finger and thumb together.
Stay for at least 36 breaths or 3-5 minutes.

* Warm up
Shoulder circles in both directions.
Forward bends from a cross legged position. Bend forward as you exhale and come back up on inhales. Do this 3-6 times. Then switch legs and repeat.
Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) bending one knee at a time. Be sure to track the knees in line with the ankles. Alternate bent knees about 6 times.

* Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar)
Do 2-6 repetitions of the full or partial Sun Salutations. Take high lunges, knee off the floor, and arms overhead to build even more strength. Keep the front knee (especially in lunges) pointing in the same direction as the second to middle toe.

Wide Leg Standing (Prasarita Padottanasana) - hold for 6-9 breaths.
Side Angle (Parsvakonasana) with the front elbow on the front leg. Maintain alignment of the knees and lift the belly away from the bent leg. Always look to create space, not collapse. Hold for 6-9 breaths each side.
Triangle (Trikonasana) - hold for 6-9 breaths each side.

* Counter/Cool Down
Locust (Salabhasana). On inhales spread the legs apart, and on exhales draw them close together. Do this 3-9 times.

Child's Pose (Balasana) for 6-12 breaths. Let the shoulders completely relax.

Supine Twist of any kind. Follow up with bringing your knees to your chest. Relax the back and come into corpse (Savasana).

1:2 breathing (exhales twice as long as your inhales)

Focus on the phrase "I am strong and flexible". See the words and eventually focus on the gaps or spaces between each word.


Kris Kramer

Today is the first day of the rest of your life!

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