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Monday, July 23, 2007

July 19, 2007 - Beginning Yoga - Homework

You can use this technique during times of stress and just before going to bed.
1:1 then 1:2 breathing to stimulate the relaxation response.
Start by noticing the length of your inhales and exhales. Lengthen the shorter of the two until they are equal in length. Once you can do this for 6 or more breaths comfortably, then gradually lengthen the exhales until they are up to twice as long as the inhales.

Move with the breath and repeat the sequence 2-6 times. Do this 3-5 days a week.
Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar)
Stand with arms overhead as you breath in (Tadasana or Mountain).
Exhale into standing forward bend (Uttanasana).
Inhale as you lengthen the spine.
Exhale and step far back into a lunge (Anjaneyasana).
Inhale onto finger tips, hands on front knee, or arms overhead.
Exhale and return to standing forward fold (Uttanasana).
Repeat with other leg.
From forward fold (Uttanasana), inhale up to Mountain (Tadasana).

This is wonderful for the low back. Be sure to keep the butt on the ground and the thighs moving back as the arms slowly bring the leg deeper into the stretch.
Hand to Big Toe Pose (Supta Hasta Padagusthasana)
Lay on your back. Bring one leg up toward the ceiling. The other leg stays on the ground. Use a strap to reach your top foot or hold on behind the thigh. You can also do this in a doorway and rest the upper leg on the wall and the other leg goes through the doorway. Keep both thighs moving back. Take at least 9-12 long full breaths before switching sides.


Kris Kramer

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