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Thursday, August 2, 2007

August 2, 2007 - Beginning Yoga - Homework

Flexible all day.
Sit on the floor.
If medically possible, sit on the floor (or on folded blankets) with proper alignment at least once a day. You can do this instead of sitting on the couch in the evening. Be sure to keep the spine erect and the low back curves slightly forward--NOT backwards. Stay centered on the sit bones.

Formal practice at least 3 days a week. If you are shy on time, do only the items marked with an *.

* Center
Use 1:1 breathing.

* Warm up
With Cat/Cow.

* Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar)
Do 2-6 repetitions of the full or partial Sun Salutations.

Wide Leg Standing (Prasarita Padottanasana)

Wide Leg Seated (Upavistha Konasana)

* Counter/Cool Down
Sit in Staff (Dandasana) by bringing the legs together straight in front of you. Use a blanket under the sit bones if needed to maintain a low back curve. On exhales, squeeze the legs together tightly. On inhales, relax. Do this at least 3 times.

Take a supine (on your back) twist, by laying down and hugging the knees into the chest. Bring the arms out to the sides and allow your knees and hips to twist to the right. Keep the left shoulder blade on the Earth. Stay for at least 9 breaths. Repeat on the other side.

End with knees to chest until any back tension is released. Then take corpse (Savasana) by laying flat on your back. If this bothers your back, place the calves (bottom legs) on a chair. If your neck compresses, then use a small pillow or folder blanket under the head. Stay for at least 5 minutes. Playing soothing music if desired.

Skull shining (Kapalabhati). Repeat 3x only as long as there is absolutely NO dizziness.

Focus on a blue clear sky in the mid-brain. If thoughts distract you, use Kapalabhati breathing for 10-15 seconds. Do this up to 3x.

What are you thinking?
Think of what you DO want, NOT what you don't want!
Throughout the day, notice anytime that you describe what you do NOT want. If this happens, replace it with something you DO want. For example, "I'm so tight and too old." becomes "I'm growing more flexible every day, and I feel vibrant!" Or, "I'm fat." becomes "I'm growing healthier every day." Try this out, and let me know how it goes for you.


Kris Kramer

Today is the first day of the rest of your life!

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