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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Strength - Flexibility

This week the focus asana will be a modified Vasistasana or Side Plank pose. Yes, it's technically a hand balance, but you still have your feet on the ground. As with all poses, do it in stages and enjoy where it takes you.

One of the key factors in this posture, and all hand balances, is to keep the shoulders integrated. So, first we'll warm up with poses like Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II), Tadasana (Mountain), and Utkatasana (Chair)--all with a focus on shoulder alignment.

To get this alignment, take the arms in front of you while standing. On an inhale slide the heads of the arm bones back and feel the shoulder blades flatten on the back. Keep this, as you lift the arms overhead or out to the sides.

Arm balancing takes a combination of strength and flexibility. As Yogis, we take this into our lives as commitment and open-mindedness.

See you all next week,
Enjoy your practice time :-)
Kris K

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