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Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Let's Twist Again, Like We Did Last Summer

You guessed it, this week we'll focus on twists.

The 3d most common reason that current students at Total Health Yoga come to class is to release stress. Stress happens in everyone's life. The question is how do we handle it?

I believe that when you live from a centered place, stress is much easier to cope with. It's like standing on a ship in a storm, if you don't have a firm footing, a center, then you are easily tossed about. Twists are all about moving from you center.

Start by aligning the crown of your head over the center of your pelvis. For men think of the area just in front of the perineum, and ladies align with the cervical wall. These are, also, the areas to lift from for mula bandha or root lock. When you twist, keep this central channel, the sushumna, aligned.

Beginners will work with variations on Marichi III and continuing students Parsva Bakasana.

After a twisting practice, be sure to release and stabilize with some simple forward bends, such as lying on your back with the knees drawn into the chest.

Until next week,

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