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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

80% grey

Our theme this week is based on a previous post at my main blog page. Click here to read about the 80% Grey theory.

During centering this week we breathe into the just the right side, then left side, then front, and then back. After exploring each side, we go for midline breathing. This involves expanding from your midline (line from the crown/top of your head to the center of your pelvic floor to between the feet) as you inhale and softening back to this area as you exhale.

We all end up a bit more expanded by the end of class. This expanse might be significant and it might be small. Either way there is an expanse. Poses that are designed to specifically extend the body are used, such as (depending on which class you are in) :

Warrior II/Virabhadrasana II
Empty Lake Bed/Tadakasana (lay on your back with the arms overhead)
Crescent (Mountain or Empty Lake Bed with the body in a "C" shape)

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and just as you body expands, see if your mind expands as well.


Kris Kramer

Today is the first day of the rest of your life!

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