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Monday, October 29, 2007

Yoga for Feet - Yoga for Your Mood

This week we'll explore the feet. There are 4 corners of the foot -- the ball mound of the big toe, the ball mound of the little toe, the inner heel and outer heel. These corners all ground evenly into the earth. As you extend down and into the ground, there is a rebound effect that ideally lifts the 3 arches of the foot. The three arches are:

1. Medial (the inside arch from big toe ball mound to the heel)
2. Lateral (the outside arch from little toe ball mound to the heel)
3. Transverse (the arch from the big toe ball mound to the little toe ball mound)

Massage of the foot and toes helps to loosen fascia tissue (connective tissue) that may block the arches from lifting.

One way to focus on the arches is to be aware of a drawing upwards from the 3 bindus on the foot. Doug Keller describes bindus as "points from which to draw myofascial energy. Bindus are linked directly to muscular action and myofascial tone."

This synergy of rooting and rising is analogis to giving and receiving. As we root, we are reminded to give and extend what we have. As we rise, we fill ourselves with the energy of the earth and bring awareness deeper into the body.

Sadness can stem from too much giving/receiving or not enough. As we work with finding balance and integrity in the body, we find integrity and balance in the mind.

Frequently, sadness is accompanied by a sense of exhaustion, collapse or closing in. The lift and energy of rising up, is gone. An energizing Yoga practice or brisk walk can be just the thing. Also, giving in any way can bring more joy. Volunteering is a great way to give and receive happiness.

“Be of service. Whether you make yourself available to a friend or co-worker, or you make time every month to do volunteer work, there is nothing that harvests more of a feeling of empowerment than being of service to someone in need.” - Gillian Anderson

Namaste (my heart bows to and honors your heart),

Kris Kramer

Today is the first day of the rest of your life!

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