What do your personal finances have to do with Yoga? Ask yourself: What is a spiritual person? What is a financially wealthy person?
Are your views on this very different or did you see the same person? If you saw the same person, then this week's theme may not speak to you. If you saw two very different people, then be aware of this. Check out this
post regarding Money and Spirituality.
It takes money to provide our space to practice Yoga in. It takes money to educate ourselves or to travel and experience other cultures. It takes money to eat or enjoy some quality entertainment.
A wise person once said that money didn't make you greedy or evil; "Money makes you more of who you already are."
In our Yoga, we practice to expand our awareness and remove blocks. One of those blocks just might be how you view money. Taking your practice to find peace and reflecting on all the positive that money can do (such as Oprah or Bill Gates demonstrate) is an important part or removing that block.
As requested by a wonderful student Monday night, here is a brief overview of what the beginning classes are up to:
Center - molecule breathing
Joint Mobility - especially in the neck, chest and shoulder areas
Sun Salutation - dynamic and then static with each pose
Warrior I / Virabhadrasana I - hands on hips, lean forward, hug sacrum, and bring torso upright
Warrior III / Virabhadrasana III - using wall
Mountain / Tadasana - with shoulder integration
Bridge / Setu Bandhasana - block under the sacrum, heads of arm bones back, and externally rotate arms
Cross-legged Twist - keep the spine long
Cross-legged Forward Bend - keep the sternum (heart center) lifting away from the navel
Corpse / Savasana - use soothing music
Ujjayi 1:2 - breath of sound with exhales twice as long as inhales
Lotus flower meditation
Peace and Joy to all beings,
Kris Kramer
www.TotalHealthYoga.comhttp://www.TotalHealthYoga.Blogspot.comToday is the first day of the rest of your life!